Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Laurel A. Rockefeller - Importance of Twitter and Social Media Relationships

Top Shelf Author Advice is a collection of comments made by a group of outstanding authors during Author Interviews and Studies presented by HBSystems Publications. Today's advice comes from:

Laurel A. Rockefeller

Author Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery

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Spotlight Author Interview - Laurel A. Rockefeller

How important has Twitter (8500+) and your social media relationships been to your success?

Excellent question. Like most authors, I use a combination of social media platforms. Across 2013, I focused on GoodReads. But after giving away about 100 copies of my books and receiving only a handful of reviews in return, I found that GoodReads was not the best fit for me -- though certainly my books are there -- usually with outdated covers.

In 2014 I discovered that Twitter gives me the best possible chance to talk to readers and network with other professionals. I know a lot of people prefer facebook for that, but I love how twitter gives me instant engagement without getting bogged down and buried like these other methods you mention. That is especially important to me because I am sight-impaired and find many of these other platforms difficult to use. When I read, it is usually audio books, not print, if that gives you any idea there.

As for how I built my twitter following, I would say a good 30% of my followers have come through follow for follow programs such as Gunner Angel Lawrence runs on facebook from time to time. If you are unfamiliar with those, it basically involves networking events where people share their twitter ids and everyone follows everyone else attending the event.

Once my following reached about three thousand followers, I found that twitter organically brought the rest to me. Whenever I can, I will do follow for follow -- unless the other person posts certain objectionable content (graphic sex, graphic violence, profanity, religious material). So follow me at @laurelworlds and there is a good chance you will get a follow back!

Source Post
Laurel A. Rockefeller - An Author Interview in the HBS Author's Spotlight

Author Recommended by: James Moushon, a Mystery Writer and writing industry blogger and HBSystems Publications, a Publisher of ebooks and the sponsor of the following blogs:
HBS Author's Spotlight
Top Shelf Author Advice
eBook Author’s Corner
HBS Mystery Reader’s Circle

This blog is for information only. It is not an endorsement of the comments or advice discussed in the post. This blog features author’s information gained from the author or the Internet and is by invitation only.

Permission from the author is required via email to publish this information. It is not a group, subscription or forum. HBSystems Publications Copyright 2014

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